14 March 2024
Unfortunately, allegations of fraudulent activity related to learners and funding do occur. Hopefully, you will never receive a letter from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) notifying you of an allegation concerning your provision or a whistleblowing allegation relating to funding irregularities. If you do, don’t panic.
We have conducted numerous investigations and are one of four firms contracted by the ESFA for funding assurance. This means we have the skills and background necessary to understand potential issues that could result in an allegation of concerns. We also understand the complexities of these investigations and the need for discretion when contacting learners and employers.
We will collaborate with you to determine the scope of work based on the allegations received. This includes any script that may need to be agreed upon with the ESFA regarding direct contact with learners and employers.
We operate on a ‘no surprises’ basis and will keep you informed of any potential issues as the work progresses. In this way, you can respond to any ESFA requests for updates in a timely manner.
Our reports will clearly detail the original allegation, the work carried out, and the findings from both our file reviews and direct learner/employer contact, as appropriate.
If our findings support the original allegation, we will discuss a way forward with you to draw the investigation to a satisfactory conclusion, from both your perspective and the ESFA’s.
If you would like to receive any more information from the above please contact: